The Home of Reluctant Runners and Slower Gym Goers!
Welcome to the Lazy Athlete.
This site is for the reluctant runner and the slower gym goer. We know we need to be fit, but we don’t have to love it, and if we can hack into exercise happiness, then we will be as fit-ish as we can.
This website is for those people who like me are a bit overweight and need to lose weight, but have a dislike of fitness gurus. And a dislike of a fully structured exercise course with no flexibility.
If you are tired of fitness gurus telling you what to do and then charging you exorbitant amounts of money at the same, you have come to the right place.
My Name is Steve.

Who is Steve?
My name is Steve and I own 2 ESL schools in Vietnam, where I live. I am also an affiliate marketer and have been for the last 3 years. I’m working towards my goal of completely replacing my ESL schools income streams with those from affiliate marketing and I am well on my way to doing this. But this is not that website.
I have lived here for over 15 years and am married to a Vietnamese lady, and because I am carrying extra weight and everyone here is so skinny, I feel like a tank.
This will also be my journey of losing weight by trying diets and different exercises. I will record my endeavor over the coming months and hopefully will have others join me along the way.
My dietary downfall is my love of beer and all things fatty in my food. However, It is necessary that I lose weight and I hope you will cheer me on and join me if your needs meet mine.
I have Put on Weight.
I have put on about 6″ around my waist and I need to build up the muscles in my arms and legs while trimming my overall body fat. It is embarrassing after seeing myself on video, but I said that is what I would do and I will stick by what I say.
Fitness Freak Free.
This website is for those people who do not want some fitness freak or guru preaching about what you should be doing. I can do my own fat shaming without any snide comments. And I do not want to be confronted with a ridiculous diet plan and exercise regime. This is all normally at the same time as having a forest of paper coming out of my wallet.
Back to The Exercise Basics.
As a lazy athlete, some of the basic exercises will be an absolute “pain” for me, so I am going to try some new ideas that I have talked over with others who are “Exercise Gurus” if not “Gods”. I will be mixing it up so I don’t get bored. And here is some of the stuff I will be doing.

Music workouts.
Lazy Yoga Routines
Pet-Friendly Exercise
Virtual Reality Exercise
Lazy Athlete Podcasts and involve myself in sports psychology and try to understand why I have such an aversion to exercise. (Maybe I just don’t like pain)
One of the challenges I will have is living in Vietnam and finding new and different types of exercise to keep me interested. I am easily deterred and need some type of motivation strategy to keep me motivated.
I will also need to tackle the dietary side of things and see if I can cheat every now and again with a couple of beers or a hamburger. We will tackle all of these things as we go and hopefully overcome any problems.
It’s Not Just About Me.
I am hoping we will get others to join us, whether remotely or face to face to try out the different types of exercise and what exercise “toys” can help you lose weight.
We will also be doing sports personality tests and fitness challenges as well as using fitness apps. We will then see which things worked for us and can the average person go it alone or do we always need a “Guru” to steer us in the right direction?
I will post once a week on my blog and once a fortnight on my YouTube account.
Steve Hey
Some links on this site may be affiliate links, and if you purchase something through these links, I will make a commission on them. There will be no extra cost to you and, you could actually save money. Read our full affiliate disclosure here.