Tai Chi For Weight Loss.

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Tai Chi and Me

I’ve been doing Tai Chi for the last 5 months after finding out how to do it from the “Better me” app. Why do I practice Tai Chi on top of the other exercises I do. The answers are pretty easy.

Firstly, it is very easy to do with no harsh movements, everything just flows from one position to another. It hardly feels like you are doing any exercise at all and when you find out you are burning 1,000 calories an hour doing this it feels like you are cheating.

And secondly it reduces my stress, and for some people like me, eating is a means to reduce stress, so if I can reduce my stress, I do not get the same urges to eat. So, on 2 counts it is beneficial in my fight against flab.

Let’s dive in and look at a few easy things to start with. And what I recommend is joining a Tai Chi class and learning the basics there. But if you just want to do it without any classes, try some of these.

6Tai Chi Exercises

Whether you’re a complete beginner or looking for simple movements to incorporate into your day, these six Tai Chi routines will help bring relaxation, strength, and clarity to your body and mind.

Wuji Stance

Start with a gentle stance called Wuji, standing with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and hands relaxed at your sides. Take a deep breath in through your nose and slowly exhale through your mouth. Let the tension melt away before beginning your practice.

Opening the Door.

The first movement is called Opening the Door. From Wuji stance, slowly raise your arms in front of you, palms facing down, until they reach chest height. Then, gently lower them back down. This motion mirrors the rise and fall of the breath, helping you center yourself while warming up the shoulders and arms.

Wave Hands like Clouds

Next, try Wave Hands Like Clouds. From a relaxed stance, shift your weight to one foot as you gently sweep one hand across your body, as if pushing a cloud. As you shift to the other foot, switch hands in a smooth, flowing motion. This routine enhances coordination and encourages deep, mindful breathing.

Grasp the Sparrows Tail

A fundamental movement for grounding is Grasp the Sparrow’s Tail. Begin with one foot slightly forward, shifting your weight gently as you extend one hand forward, palm facing outward. Then, circle the hand inward, pulling it back toward your waist while the other hand follows. This exercise mimics a natural defensive and yielding motion, promoting stability and balance.

Parting the Wild Horses Mane.

Another simple but powerful movement is Parting the Wild Horse’s Mane. Step forward with one foot while extending one hand in an upward arc, as if stroking a horse’s mane. Shift your weight, bringing the other hand forward in the same gentle motion. This movement strengthens the legs while improving coordination and relaxation.

Repulse the Monkey

To open the spine and release tension, practice Repulse the Monkey. Step backward while extending one hand forward and the other behind you, as if gently pushing something away. This motion encourages a smooth, flowing movement through the arms and back while building leg strength and control.

Embrace the Tiger

Finally, conclude with Embrace the Tiger, Return to the Mountain. Bring your hands together in front of your chest as if holding a ball. Step back into a stable stance, pressing your hands downward in a controlled, grounding motion. This final movement restores energy and settles the mind, preparing you for the rest of your day.

Return to the Mountain

[ bringing hands together and stepping back into a stable stance.]

After completing these routines, return to Wuji stance. Take a few deep breaths and notice how your body feels—more fluid, energized, and at peace. With just a few minutes of practice each day, Tai Chi can become a powerful tool to bring harmony and well-being into your life.

Final Thoughts

Don’t expect to see immediate results as it does take time. The reason I love Tai Chi so much is because it is easy and doing it with other forms of easy exercise, like walking, will help you drop those pounds and keep them off.

I now look forward to my daily Tai Chi exercises as it helps me with my stress as well. I hope this motivates you into looking into Tai Chi and adding it to you exercise regime.

Other Posts

You may also want to look at my post on “Yogic breathing” and “Breathing for better health” that can help you on your weight loss path.


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