What Is The Best Way To Gain Weight

Gaining weight can be as big a problem as losing it, here are some tips to help you succeed healthily..

Gain Weight Healthily

When I talk about increasing your weight, I mean it in the healthiest way possible. Gaining weight can be just as challenging as losing it for some people. Some of you may want to add muscle mass; others might need to gain weight for health reasons. It’s crucial to focus on gaining weight while enhancing your overall health.

There’s a clear difference between packing on lean muscle and simply adding fat. Lean muscle gain involves increasing muscle mass and strength, which adds healthy weight and improves your metabolic health. In contrast, an uptick in fat can sometimes detract from your health, leading to potential issues.

Several factors come into play here – your metabolism, genetics, and daily habits. Each has a unique influence on how your body gains weight. A fast metabolism might make it harder for you to gain weight, while certain genetic factors can dictate where you might store fat or how quickly you can build muscle.

A blend of adequate nutrition and consistent physical activity is your best bet to navigate these individual differences. Eating the right foods in the right amounts can push your body to gain weight steadily. And I’m not talking about just any weight — I mean the kind that will make you stronger and healthier. Exercise complements your diet by shaping muscle and ensuring that your gains are more muscle than fat.

Before diving into the specifics of diet and exercise, it’s important to set goals that are attainable and grounded in your personal health needs. These goals will guide your approach to gaining weight and help ensure that you’re doing it sustainably which benefits your whole body.

Designing Your Weight Gain Diet Plan

Gaining weight the right way starts with a well-structured diet plan. Aiming for a caloric surplus is the cornerstone of weight gain. Simply put, it means consuming more calories than your body expends. But before you reach for just any high-calorie foods, understanding the concept of a caloric surplus is essential.

Calculate your daily caloric needs first. This includes considering your basal metabolic rate and your level of physical activity. Several online calculators can give you a ballpark figure, but for a precise calculation, consider consulting with a nutritionist.

After establishing your caloric needs, it’s pivotal to discuss macronutrients. Proteins are the building blocks of muscle, carbohydrates provide the energy needed for your workouts, and healthy fats support overall health. Striking the right balance between them is tantamount to a healthy weight gain regimen.

When ascending on the scale, opt for nutrient-dense foods over calorie-laden junk food. Whole foods like lean meats, whole grains, nuts, and vegetables should populate your plate. They not only contribute to your caloric intake but also provide the vitamins and minerals necessary for optimal body function.

Meal timing also plays a significant role. Instead of three large meals, consider eating smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day. This approach can aid digestion and make it easier to hit your calorie targets.

Finally, don’t forget about hydration. While it might not be directly related to weight gain, drinking plenty of water is imperative for your overall health and can aid in the digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Next, I’ll detail how to complement your diet with an EFFECTIVE EXERCISE STRATEGY FOR WEIGHT GAIN that will ensure those extra calories fuel muscle growth instead of just increasing body fat.

Effective Weight Gain Foods.

Healthy foods that can help you gain weight include:

1. Nuts and nut butter: They are high in calories and healthy fats, making them a good choice for weight gain.

2. Avocado: Packed with healthy fats and calories, avocados can help you add healthy weight.

3. Whole milk: Drinking whole milk instead of skim or low-fat milk can provide extra calories and nutrients.

4. Cheese: Cheese is high in calories and fat, making it a good choice for those looking to gain weight.

5. Healthy oils: Using healthy oils like olive oil, coconut oil, or avocado oil in cooking can add extra calories to your meals.

6. Dried fruits: Dried fruits such as dates, raisins, and prunes are calorie-dense and can be added to snacks or meals for extra calories.

7. Potatoes and sweet potatoes: These starchy vegetables are a good source of carbohydrates and can help increase calorie intake.

Healthily gaining weight involves consuming nutrient-dense foods and engaging in strength training exercises to build muscle mass.

If you have any health problems speak with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian before making significant changes to your diet.

Effective Exercise Strategies for Weight Gain

I know it might seem counterintuitive, but exercise is a cornerstone of a successful weight gain plan. While it is true that a workout burns calories, the right kind of exercise also builds muscle, which weighs more than fat.

I recommend resistance training because it is the most efficient way to increase muscle mass. Start with two to three strength training sessions per week, focusing on compound movements like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses that work multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

Incorporating cardio is also important for overall health, but I advise doing it in moderation to avoid burning too many calories. Low-intensity activities such as walking or light cycling can suffice. If you’re looking to include more intense cardio, keep the sessions short and infrequent so they don’t hinder your weight gain efforts.

Progressive overload should be part of your routine. This means gradually increasing the weights, reps, or sets you’re doing over time. It’s critical because your muscles adapt to stress and need to be constantly challenged to grow. Aim to lift heavier or perform more reps every week or two.

The importance of rest can’t be overstated. Muscles need time to recover and grow after being stressed during workouts. Make sure you’re getting 7-9 hours of sleep each night and resting at least one full day between strength training sessions for any given muscle group.

Remember, any successful strategy needs to be sustainable. Pushing too hard or too fast often leads to burnout or injury, so listen to your body and adjust your routine as needed.

Using an APP may help you stay committed to an exercise program.

Check out my review of the Better Me app.

Better me

Overcoming Challenges and Maintaining Progress

Anyone aiming to gain weight will face challenges, but recognizing and overcoming these hurdles is key to success. Let’s talk about the most common issues and strategies to handle them. Encountering plateaus, where weight seems to stubbornly stay the same, can be frustrating. Change up your routine, increase caloric intake slightly, or switch your exercise pattern if this happens.

Tracking progress is more than watching the scale; it involves paying attention to your body composition and how you feel. Use regular check-ins with yourself to ensure the gains you make are healthy and sustainable. Remember, your mirror and the way your clothes fit can be just as telling as any number.

Your diet and exercise plan is not set in stone. If you’re not seeing the results you want, reassess and adjust. Perhaps it means adding more protein, incorporating a new type of workout, or even seeking advice from a nutritionist or personal trainer.

Supplements can complement your weight gain journey, but they should never replace real, nutrient-rich food. Before you consider supplements, do your research and consult with a healthcare professional to find what’s best for you.

Finally, gaining weight is a marathon, not a sprint. Celebrate the small victories along the way, seek support when you need it, and keep your eyes on your long-term health. With dedication and smart adjustments when necessary, your weight gain goals are within reach.


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Some of this content was AI-generated.

Foods And Exercise For Stronger Erections.

 Unlocking the Power of Nutrition

Welcome to a topic that embraces science and intimacy – the connection between nutrition and erectile function. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of erectile function, highlight key nutrients vital for optimal sexual health, and delve into how your diet can affect your performance between the sheets. So, grab a cup of tea, and let’s embark on this journey together.

It is not an easy topic to talk about, let alone admit you have a problem. For 3 years my sex life was dismal and I always blamed my partner. Then I woke up to myself. These are some of the things that got me back in the sack.

Erectile Function: Significance and Importance:

Erectile function plays a crucial role in the sexual well-being and confidence of individuals. It refers to the ability to achieve and maintain firm erections during sexual activity. Beyond physical pleasure, healthy erections contribute to emotional intimacy, self-esteem, and overall relationship satisfaction. Understanding the factors that influence erectile function is essential to maintaining a fulfilling and enjoyable sex life.

Nourishing Nutrients for Erectile Health:

Now that we understand the significance of erectile function, let’s explore key nutrients that can support optimal sexual health:


This amino acid acts as a precursor to nitric oxide, a molecule that promotes blood vessel dilation. Adequate blood flow is essential for achieving and sustaining an erection. L-arginine-rich foods include red meat, poultry, fish, nuts, and seeds.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids.

Found abundantly in fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and trout, omega-3 fatty acids help enhance cardiovascular health. By improving blood circulation and reducing inflammation, they indirectly contribute to healthy erectile function.


Known as the “male mineral,” zinc plays a significant role in testosterone production and sperm quality. Oysters, beef, lamb, pumpkin seeds, and beans are excellent sources of zinc that can support overall sexual health.

Vitamins C and E.

These antioxidants protect blood vessels from oxidative stress and maintain vascular health. Citrus fruits, berries, spinach, almonds, and sunflower seeds are rich sources of these vitamins.


This mineral supports the relaxation and dilation of blood vessels, aiding blood flow. Dark chocolate, spinach, nuts, legumes, and whole grains are great sources of magnesium.

So how does your diet affect desire, read on.

The Diet-Sexuality Connection.

While individual nutrients play a role in erectile function, Engaging a holistic approach to nutrition diet and lifestyle choices has a profound impact on your sexual wellness.

Here are a few key points to consider.

  • Maintain a Balanced Diet: Embrace a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Strive for variety, ensuring you obtain a wide range of nutrients important for sexual health.
  • Hydration Matters: Stay well-hydrated to support proper blood flow and overall well-being. Drink sufficient water and include hydrating foods in your diet, such as watermelon, cucumber, and citrus fruits.
  • Opt for Heart-Healthy Choices: Focus on foods that promote heart health, such as lean meats, fish, nuts, seeds, and olive oil. A healthy cardiovascular system is vital for optimal blood flow to the penis.
  • Maintain a Healthy Weight: Obesity and excess body weight can negatively impact erectile function. Aim for a healthy weight range through a balanced diet and regular exercise.
  • Limit Alcohol and Smoking: Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking can impair erectile function. Moderate alcohol intake and eliminating smoking can positively influence sexual performance.

And possibly one of the best things is to talk to your partner and share your feelings and thoughts.

Cultivate Open Communication.

Remember, everyone’s body is unique, and individual experiences may vary. Maintaining open communication with your partner about sexual concerns and seeking professional advice from healthcare providers or sexual health experts can be invaluable in optimizing your sexual wellness.

In conclusion, nourishing your body with a balanced diet and essential nutrients can positively influence erectile function and overall sexual health. Embrace the power of nutrition, adopt a healthy lifestyle, and address any concerns openly and compassionately. Prioritize your well-being and enjoy your journey toward optimal sexual wellness with care and confidence.

Achieving Sexual Wellness through Lifestyle Balance

True sexual wellness extends beyond diet alone. In this post, we look into the importance of overall lifestyle choices, including physical activity, stress management, and emotional well-being, and how they impact sexual health. Let’s embark on a journey that encompasses the holistic benefits of combining diet, exercise, and mental well-being for a fulfilling and satisfying sex life.

The Significance of Overall Lifestyle on Sexual Health:

While nutrition plays a vital role, it is fundamental to view sexual health within the context of an individual’s overall lifestyle choices. Here are some key aspects to consider:

Physical Activity and Erectile Strength:

Regular physical activity offers numerous benefits to sexual health, including improved blood circulation, hormone regulation, and increased stamina. Aerobic exercises like jogging, swimming, or cycling enhance cardiovascular health, leading to better blood flow and stronger erections. Additionally, strength training exercises contribute to overall fitness, boost stamina, and improve confidence in the bedroom.

Managing Stress and Emotional Well-being:

Stress and emotional well-being significantly impact sexual performance. Chronic stress and anxiety can interfere with arousal, erection quality, and overall sexual satisfaction. Exploring stress management techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in hobbies or activities that bring joy can help reduce stress and enhance overall sexual well-being.

Emotional Intimacy and Communication:

Maintaining emotional intimacy and open communication with your partner plays a crucial role in sexual wellness. It promotes trust, understanding, and a supportive environment for sexual expression and exploration. Cultivating a strong emotional connection allows for greater receptivity to physical and intimate experiences.

Combine Diet, Exercise, and Mental Health.

Adopting a Balanced Lifestyle Approach:

Strive for a balanced lifestyle encompassing healthy eating habits, regular physical activity, and prioritizing mental well-being. Embrace gradual changes in your daily routine, aiming for sustainable improvements rather than quick fixes.

Incorporate Movement into Daily Life:

Incorporate physical activity into your routine, not just as a means of enhancing sexual health but also for overall well-being. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise each week, along with strength training exercises to promote physical fitness and boost confidence in the bedroom.

Prioritize Quality Sleep:

Adequate restful sleep is essential for hormonal regulation, emotional well-being, and maintaining energy levels for a satisfying sex life. Establish a consistent sleep routine, create a comfortable sleeping environment, and practice good sleep hygiene habits.

Cultivate Emotional Well-being:

Proactively manage stress through mindfulness, meditation, or engaging in activities that promote relaxation and emotional balance. Seek support from loved ones or consider professional assistance when needed to address underlying emotional concerns that may affect sexual health.

Foster Intimacy and Connection:

Invest time and effort in nurturing emotional intimacy and communication within your relationship. Engage in activities that foster bonding, such as date nights, shared interests, or open conversations about desires and preferences. A strong emotional connection can enhance sexual satisfaction and overall relationship harmony.


Achieving sexual wellness relies on balancing healthy dietary choices, regular physical activity, stress management, and emotional well-being. By embracing a holistic approach to lifestyle, you empower yourself to enjoy a more fulfilling and satisfying sex life.

Remember, each individual’s journey is unique, and open communication, self-compassion, and seeking professional guidance when needed are crucial components of this process. Prioritize your overall well-being, and let the harmony of diet, exercise, and mental health contribute to your holistic sexual wellness.

Steve Hey

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The Best Face Cream For Men

Hada Labo

One of the best ways to stay motivated is to look the best you can, here is something I use, and I hope will help you too.

The World of Face Creams

Looking good physically also requires a good skin regime. I will tell you about a product I have found that works great with a normal skin type, or at least my skin type.

Finding the Best for Your Skin

There are various types of face creams available in the market, each formulated to address specific skincare concerns and cater to different skin types. Here are some common types of face creams and their purposes:


Moisturizers hydrate the skin by replenishing moisture levels and preventing water loss. They are suitable for all skin types and help maintain the skin’s natural barrier function.

Moisturizers can be further categorized based on consistency, such as creams (thicker and more emollient), lotions (lighter and more fluid), and gels (lightweight and water-based).

Anti-Aging Creams.

Anti-aging creams are designed to combat visible signs of aging, such as fine lines, wrinkles, and loss of elasticity. They often contain ingredients like retinol, peptides, antioxidants, and hyaluronic acid to promote collagen production, enhance skin firmness, and improve overall texture and tone.

Acne Treatments.

Acne creams are formulated to address acne-prone skin. They generally contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide to reduce inflammation, unclog pores, and fight acne-causing bacteria. These creams may also include ingredients to minimize excess oil production.

Whitening/Brightening Creams.

Whitening or brightening creams aim to reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation, dark spots, and uneven skin tone. They often contain ingredients like hydroquinone, kojic acid, vitamin C, or niacinamide, which help inhibit melanin production and promote a more even complexion.

Sunscreen/Creams with SPF.

These creams offer sun protection by including ingredients that block or absorb harmful UV rays (UVA and UVB). Sunscreens are essential to protect the skin from sun damage, premature aging, and the risk of skin cancer.

Nourishing/Night Creams.

Nourishing or night creams are typically used during the evening to provide overnight hydration and replenishment. They are often richer in texture and contain ingredients like shea butter, ceramides, or natural oils to help repair and rejuvenate the skin while you sleep.

Mattifying Creams.

Mattifying creams are tailored for individuals with oily or combination skin. They aim to reduce excess sebum production and create a matte appearance using oil-absorbing ingredients like clay, silica, or micro-sponges.

Sensitive Skin Creams.

These creams are formulated specifically for sensitive or reactive skin types. They usually contain gentle and soothing ingredients, such as aloe vera, chamomile, or oat extract, to minimize irritation and provide hydration.

All-in-One/BB Creams.

All-in-one creams or BB creams (Blemish Balms) offer multiple benefits in a single product. They often combine moisturizing properties with light coverage, sun protection, and sometimes additional skincare ingredients, providing a one-step solution for those seeking a simplified skincare routine.

And More

It’s important to note that while these categories highlight some common face cream types, products on the market may overlap in their benefits or offer specialized features.

Finding the right face cream depends on individual needs, skin concerns, and personal preferences.

If you have skin problems, it’s recommended to consult with a dermatologist or skincare professional for personalized recommendations based on your skin type and concerns.

However, I have tried a lot of these, and most of your husbands and boyfriends have too, and I think I have found the best.

We want our skin to look good too.

The Perfect Face Cream.

Quick, get your mind out of the gutter boys and girls, and let’s be serious. Finding the perfect face cream can be a daunting task in the overwhelming sea of options.

As we explore the realm of face creams, it’s crucial to understand the importance of identifying skin types, recognizing individual needs, and considering the ingredients that cater to specific concerns. In this article, we delve into the world of face creams and share insights on how the right product can enhance your skin health and overall well-being.

Understanding Skin Types and Their Needs.

To achieve optimal results, it’s essential to know your skin type—whether it’s dry, oily, combination, or normal like mine. Discovering your skin’s unique characteristics allows you to select face creams that address specific concerns, such as hydration, oil control, or texture improvement. We’ll discuss the different skin types and how to identify them accurately.

Ingredients for Targeted Skin Concerns.

An effective face cream includes carefully selected ingredients that target specific skin concerns. We explore various ingredients like hyaluronic acid for hydration, retinol for anti-aging benefits, niacinamide for brightening, and antioxidants for protection. Understanding these powerful components helps make informed decisions based on specific skin needs.

The Transformational Power of the Right Face Cream.

Using the right face cream can make a notable difference in your skin health. We delve into how a well-formulated face cream can enhance your complexion, promote elasticity, diminish wrinkles, and create an overall healthy-looking radiance. Real-life testimonials and personal experiences showcase the transformative effects of finding the perfect face cream.

Personalized Recommendations.

Seeking guidance from dermatologists ensures personalized recommendations tailored to your skin type and concerns. We emphasize the importance of consulting professionals who can analyze your individual needs and suggest suitable face creams that align with your skin goals.

Trusted Brands and Their Distinctiveness.

Highlighting reputable and trusted brands in the market sheds light on their unique offerings. We showcase brands committed to research, innovation, and quality ingredients. Understanding their strengths and what sets them apart helps you make more informed choices when exploring the vast array of face creams available.

Customer Reviews and Community Feedback.

Community feedback and customer reviews play a pivotal role in selecting face creams. Discover how real-world experiences and shared insights contribute to your decision-making process. We emphasize the significance of considering a brand’s reputation and customer satisfaction as signifiers of a quality face cream.

Striking the Balance: Price and Quality.

Finding the best face cream is a delicate balance between price and quality. We explore options that fit various budgets without compromising the efficacy of the product. Discover affordable face creams that offer excellent results, ensuring that you don’t have to break the bank for healthy skin.

Sustainability and Ethical Practices.

With growing concern for ethical and sustainable practices, we highlight brands committed to eco-friendly and cruelty-free face cream production. Explore how these organizations prioritize the planet and maintain their commitment to ethical sourcing and production processes.

Debunking Common Misconceptions.

There are many misconceptions about face creams, from their effectiveness to their necessity. We debunk these myths and provide clarity on how a well-selected face cream can contribute to a healthy skin regimen.

My Favorite Face Cream.

It is not what you think you naughty people, it is Hada Labo. I have been using it for a while and my skin is as shiny as a baby’s bottom,

Let us look at Hada Labo.

The Hada Labo brand offers a range of skincare products, including their popular face cream, known as the Hada Labo Gokujyun Perfect Gel. T

This face cream is well-regarded for its hydrating and moisturizing properties. Here’s an overview of what the Hada Labo face cream is like:

They have a whole range of face creams from Hada Labo on Amazon.

Intense Hydration.

The Hada Labo Gokujyun Perfect Gel is primarily known for its exceptional hydrating abilities. It contains a combination of powerful moisturizing ingredients, including hyaluronic acid, which can hold up to 1000 times its weight in water. This helps to deeply hydrate the skin, improving moisture retention and leaving it plump and supple.

Lightweight Texture.

The face cream has a gel-like consistency that feels light on the skin. It absorbs quickly without leaving a greasy or sticky residue, making it suitable for various skin types, including oily and combination skin.


The Hada Labo Gokujyun Perfect Gel serves as a versatile product with multiple benefits. Along with its moisturizing properties, it also functions as a toner, serum, and sleeping mask. This multi-functionality makes it a convenient choice for those looking to simplify their skincare routine.

Nourishing Ingredients.

In addition to hyaluronic acid, the Hada Labo face cream contains other nourishing ingredients like collagen, ceramides, and squalane. These work together to strengthen the skin’s barrier, improve elasticity, and provide additional hydration, resulting in a smoother and more youthful complexion.

Suitable for Sensitive Skin.

Hada Labo products, including their face cream, are generally formulated to be gentle and suitable for sensitive skin. They are fragrance-free, colorant-free, and alcohol-free, reducing the likelihood of irritation or sensitivity.

Versatile Application.

The Hada Labo Gokujyun Perfect Gel can be used as part of both morning and evening skincare routines. It can be applied after cleansing and toning, serving as the final step in your skincare regimen or as a mask for an intensive moisturizing treatment.

If you’re interested in trying the Hada Labo face cream, it’s recommended to read product reviews, perform a patch test, and consult with a dermatologist if you have any specific concerns or allergies.


Finding the perfect face cream is a personal journey that requires understanding your skin, identifying key ingredients, and considering ethical practices.

Through this blog post, we aim to empower you with knowledge, assisting you in navigating the world of face creams and finding the best one for your specific needs.

Embrace the journey towards healthier and radiant skin with confidence.

Steve Hey

Some links on this site may be affiliate links, and if you purchase something through these links, I will make a commission on them. There will be no extra cost to you and, you could actually save money. Read our full affiliate disclosure here.

What Is Better Me?

Better Me for a Better Me.

You’re probably tired of promises that you can lose weight in 7 days or even 5 days. So today, I’m going to be talking about Better Me, which isn’t a magic bullet but a fresh perspective on self-improvement that you might find genuinely worthwhile.

Better Me is anchored in a holistic approach to personal development. It’s not just about hitting the gym or setting productivity records; it’s about nurturing every aspect of your being, from your physical health to your mental well-being, emotional balance, and even social connectedness.

At its core, Better Me encourages you to look inward and focus on sustainable growth that resonates with your personal values and life goals. This methodology supports the idea that a better you emerge from harmony and balance, rather than relentless striving and comparison.

In my opinion, what makes Better Me stand out isn’t just its comprehensive take on growth but also how accessible it is.

Regardless of where you’re starting from or how many times you’ve tried to ‘reinvent’ yourself before, there’s a place for you here. It’s about progress, not perfection.

Now, let’s take a closer look at Better Me from my experience.

What I have Found

I have now been using the Better Me App for 5 days. I purchased at a slightly discounted rate of about $10 US dollars per month. I first thought that was quite expensive for 1 month. At that stage, all I wanted was an app that allowed me to do chair yoga.

I chose this because I had a stomach operation for a benign tumor several years ago, and they cut through all my stomach muscles to get to it. So I was looking for something light and easy.

I have so much more, let me first explain what comes with the app. And yes it is very extensive and justifies the cost.

The Main Parts of Better Me

Better Me has both a website and a phone app. I went with the App because if I carry my phone around, it records the steps and amount of miles I walk every day. It also calculates the calories you burn against what you take in. Logging your meals and snacks is all done manually.

You also have to log in extra activities like swimming manually. However, I have set it up with my health app on my iPhone so I am discovering a lot can be put on automatically. My next step, pardon the pun, is to purchase a fitband and I will be trialling out a few soon with recommendations for the best and cheapest.

The Main Settings.

The main settings on the app are:

Log Calories.

This is where you log the meals you eat throughout the day. breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. You can add different foods and choose the number of calories associated with that food. For example, I live I Vietnam and a lot of the food I eat here is not listed but I can add it manually and it stays in my account. I do not have to add it each time

Drink Water.

Here you add the amount of water you drink every day and it adds it up for you to make sure you are drinking enough.

Reach Step Goal.

The number of steps you do every day are logged here automatically if you carry your phone or wear a fit band. It also breaks it down into the number of calories you burn and the distance you walk. It also shows a weekly average.

Do Your Workout.

Do the workout you chose when you signed up. I signed up for chair yoga and the workout automatically loads and it prompts you to do it every day. You can do more if you wish or just complete what you wish, even opting out if it is too much.

It also shows the total calories you have burnt throughout the day and it allows you to add extra activities, even cleaning the house.

Start With Your Mind.

Motivation as well as self-love is all covered in this area. A great place to start for those who may find it difficult to start.


There are 34 different workouts you can do and 2 extra you can sign up for extra cost. It includes activities for all fitness levels from beginners to gym Junkies.

Some of the areas that are covered are Running, Chair Yoga, calisthenics, H.I.T Workouts, Military boot camp, Tai Chi, Pilates for seniors, and more. So you can see there is something for everyone.

Personal Coach.

If that isn’t enough you can choose your own personal trainer from a selection of 5 people with a “Best Match” selection.

I am a bit worried about who they chose for me as he looks like a real taskmaster. Choosing a personal coach does not come with the subscription.

You have to pay more. Up to $50.00US and funny enough was offered the most expensive first, even though it did not match my lifestyle and exercise plan.


From Muscle building for seniors to sugar-free or no-alcohol challenges, there are many that you can do. However, these all come at an additional cost and I have not tried them.


The fasting feature comes free and works surprisingly well, as it tries to take in the hours you sleep.

I am not a huge fan of fasting because when you eat again, or at least me, I tend to eat more than normal. But it is there if you want it.


Meals gives you anumber of recipes that look easy to follow, but the ingredients may be more expensive than your normal food budget.

I have noticed that eating healthy costs more than eating unhealthily.

However, there is a good range of food for different tastes but for me, in Vietnam, some of the food stuffs are difficult to find.

Also, I have found most of these recipes online that look like they have been lifted from other websites. So it might be best to look online directly yourself for healthy recipes.

Tips and Articles.

Daily tips and topics from diet to exercise. Useful to some but not for me.


As it says, help, if you are having missing features, technical issues, billing or subscription inquiries or just looking for fitness advice.

Better me Band.

A band that costs about $60 US and tracks your daily activities. I have not tried It but I will include it in my next post about fitness bands.

Better Me Store

The Better Me store at first glance looks like it is directed toward women as the first products you see are yoga shorts, tops, mats, etc. The clothing looks great if you are tall and skinny but if I was a girl and wore that stuff my belly would be hanging over my skimpy shorts.

And the more I looked, I could not find any men’s clothing at all. Do they think men don’t wear exercise clothes or we don’t care? A bit disappointing.

I will buy elsewhere that has baggy T-shirts and shorts that fit.

Has It Helped?

It has only been 5 days and I have already noticed my stomach becoming flatter and more toned. My wife has also commented that my skin looks better and I look younger and have lost a bit of weight.

Also, I notice I have more energy throughout the day. Am I a youngster, no, I am 66 years old and already feel younger with this app.

Some of the extras cost money and I have the feeling a lot of this is AI-driven, however even using the basic tools will help you lose weight.

After 25 days I feel better however some things could be done better. For example, I hurt my knee during exercising and there should be, in my opinion, an area where you can find resources that will help with potential injuries.

I would rate this APP 6.7 out of 10.

So, am I happy with this app, Yes I am. I do not make a commission from this post about better me, to keep it fair.


Some links on this site may be affiliate links, and if you purchase something through these links, I will make a commission on them. There will be no extra cost to you and, you could save money. Please read our full affiliate disclosure. here.

Some of this content was AI-generated.



What Is A Hiit Workout?

What is “H.I.I.T”

‘HIIT,’ which stands for High-Intensity Interval Training. At its core, HIIT is a training technique wherein you give all-out, one hundred percent effort through quick, intense bursts of exercise, followed by short, sometimes active, recovery periods. This isn’t just about making you sweat; it’s engineered to increase your heart rate and burn more fat in less time.

Now, what sets HIIT apart from traditional steady-state cardio? It’s the intensity and pace. While a typical workout might involve a steady jog or a session on the bike at a constant pace, HIIT turns that notion upside down with intervals that demand maximum effort, followed by brief periods of rest or lower-intensity exercise.

You’re going to find out about the science that’s got everyone from fitness newbies to hardcore athletes hooked. It’s not magic; it’s metabolic. HIIT triggers what’s known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), making your body burn calories long after you’ve finished your last sprint.

And the perks? They’re impressive. We’re talking about improved cardiovascular health, effective fat loss without the muscle loss that can accompany long cardio sessions and a shorter workout time that fits into the busiest schedules. Plus, HIIT’s adaptability means anyone, regardless of their fitness level, can jump in and start seeing results.

There’s a lot of opportunity in this training style, whether you’re in the gym, at home, or on the go. So suit up, and let’s get ready to explore some HIIT workouts that just might change the way you think about exercise.

Popular H.I.T Workouts.

Here are some popular HIIT workouts.


Tabata workouts involve intense exercises performed for 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of rest. This pattern is repeated for a total of 4 minutes. It typically consists of exercises like burpees, squat jumps, mountain climbers, and high knees.

AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible).

In an AMRAP workout, you perform a set of exercises for a specific duration, aiming to complete as many rounds as possible during that time. For example, you might have a 10-minute AMRAP of exercises such as push-ups, squats, sit-ups, and lunges.

EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute).

In an EMOM workout, you perform a specific exercise or a set of exercises at the start of every minute for a predetermined number of reps or duration. The remaining time within that minute is your rest period. EMOM workouts can vary widely in exercises and focus areas.

Circuit Training.

Circuit training involves moving through a series of exercises with minimal rest in between. It typically consists of different stations or exercises targeting different muscle groups. For example, you might have a circuit that includes push-ups, jumping jacks, kettlebell swings, and lunges.


Plyometric workouts involve explosive, dynamic movements designed to improve power and athletic performance. These exercises often include squat jumps, box jumps, burpees, lunge jumps, and tuck jumps. Plyometrics are intense and focus on quick bursts of energy.


This workout structure involves three intervals of exercise performed at various intensities. You start with a 30-second exercise performed at a moderate pace, followed by a 20-second exercise at a higher intensity, and then finish with a 10-second all-out effort. Repeat this circuit for multiple rounds.

HIIT workouts are highly intense and require proper warm-up and cool-down periods. It’s essential to listen to your body and adjust the intensity and duration based on your fitness level and any underlying health conditions. Consulting with a fitness professional or trainer can help design a safe and effective HIIT program.

Develop a good workout regime or some of these problems may occur.

Possible Pitfalls of HIT Workouts.

Even though exercise is generally beneficial to your health, it does put stress on the body, particularly during demanding, high-intensity workouts. Stress from HIIT can strain your adrenal glands and raise your cortisol levels, which is one of the risks.

Stress causes the body to release the hormone cortisol, which is where our “flight or fight” response originates. Although this is a normal and significant phenomenon, elevated cortisol levels can cause anxiety, weight gain, and digestive problems.

Impaired Sleep.

A common consequence of elevated cortisol levels is impaired sleep quality. Numerous studies indicate that physical activity improves our ability to sleep.

However, a vigorous workout right before bed may interfere with your ability to fall asleep. Although early in the day is the best time for HIIT workouts, there are other factors to consider as well.

Long-term sleep disruption can be caused by persistently elevated stress hormones; therefore, if you find yourself having trouble falling asleep at night, it may be time to reduce your HIIT exercise.

Joint Stress.

There is a chance of injury with any exercise, especially if done incorrectly. The danger of HIIT lies in its name: anything described as “high-intensity” is probably going to put stress on your body. Injuries and joint problems have been linked to poor form during high-intensity interval training (HIIT), especially when high-impact exercises like box jumps and burpees are performed. You’re asking for trouble if you’ve never done high-intensity workouts before or if you have an injury already.

Pushing yourself during your HIIT workouts increases the risk of joint problems. Excessive exercise will make you dread it, which will result in unmotivated, unfocused workouts where mistakes are inevitable. If this occurs, you might injure yourself and lose motivation.

Is It For You?

When deciding whether or not HIIT is the best type of training for you, there are a lot of things to take into account. It’s recommended to limit your training to one or two high-intensity sessions per week, spaced out with low-intensity exercises

if you decide to give it a try. In addition, the duration of an HIIT workout, including warm-up, rest, and cool-down, should not exceed 30 minutes.

And set realistic goals, Rome, and sculpting your body, was not built in a day.


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Best Exercises To Burn Belly Fat.

This shows you how to reduce your waistline.

How to Reduce Love Handles

When it comes to getting rid of belly fat, it’s common for me to hear people focus on finding the ‘perfect exercise’ that will eliminate fat from that specific area. But I need to address the elephant in the room: the widely held belief of spot reduction. Based on scientific evidence, spot reduction is a myth. The idea that you can target fat loss in a specific body area by only exercising that part isn’t supported by research.

Instead, it’s crucial to understand that belly fat isn’t just about aesthetics; it carries significant health implications. Excess abdominal fat is associated with various health risks, such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and even some types of cancer.

The journey to a flatter stomach isn’t just about doing hundreds of crunches; it involves lowering the overall body fat percentage. A strategy requiring not only exercise but also considering other elements such as diet, sleep, and overall lifestyle.

So, let’s set some realistic expectations here. Losing belly fat is a gradual process, and incorporating a holistic approach that includes proper nutrition, adequate exercise, and lifestyle adjustments will lead to the results you’re after. Speaking of nutrition, it’s the perfect segue into why what you eat is just as important, if not more, as your workout routine in addressing belly fat.

The Role of Diet in Belly Fat Reduction

I need to emphasize how pivotal your diet is in the quest to reduce belly fat. It’s not just about eating less but also about eating right. Striking a balance between the quantity and quality of food is what will jump-start your fat loss engine.

Fad diets often promise quick results but typically fail to deliver lasting change. Rather, a balanced diet, rich in vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, lays the foundation for sustained weight loss. Foods high in fiber and protein can keep you feeling full longer, helping to curb overeating.

Macronutrients, which include carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, all have their places in a well-rounded diet. It’s not about completely cutting out a food group, but about finding the right proportions that fuel your body efficiently. For belly fat reduction, a slightly higher protein intake may be beneficial, as it’s been shown to support metabolism and muscle retention during weight loss.

Sustainable eating habits are the secret sauce to not only losing belly fat but also keeping it off. This means adopting practices that you can maintain in the long term, rather than drastic measures that you can only sustain for a short period.

With the emphasis on proper nutrition rooted in your mind, I’ll take you next into the world of workouts. Because as significant as diet is, the power duo of diet and exercise is your golden ticket to saying goodbye to belly fat.

Whole-Body Workouts: The Efficient Path to a Toned Belly

You may have heard that crunches are the ticket to a flatter stomach. But focusing solely on your abs won’t do the trick. To effectively reduce belly fat, you’ll want to engage in whole-body workouts that burn calories and build muscle throughout.

Your body needs a mix of cardio and strength training to torch fat. Cardio exercises, like running or swimming, increase the number of calories you burn while strength training helps build lean muscle, which, in turn, boosts your metabolism.

High-Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, is another powerful ally in the fight against belly fat. These are quick, intense bursts of exercise that increase your heart rate and burn more fat in less time. Studies show that HIIT could be more effective at reducing abdominal fat than other forms of exercise.


Let’s get practical about the exercises. Include squats, lunges, push-ups, and burpees in your fitness regimen. Not only do these exercises engage multiple muscle groups, but they also give your core a fantastic workout.

A vital aspect of reducing belly fat is strengthening your core region. It’s not just for aesthetics; it helps improve posture, balance, and stability. Planks, mountain climbers, and bicycle crunches are excellent for building a strong core. Consistency in these exercises will bring you closer to achieving a toned belly.

Integrate these workouts into your routine 3-4 times a week. And remember, change up your exercises regularly to challenge your body and prevent boredom. As you build your strength and endurance, increase the intensity of your workouts to maintain progress.

Lifestyles That Impact Belly Fat and Health

No matter how intense your workouts are, they’re just one piece of the belly fat puzzle. There’s more to shaping your waistline than just the time you spend in the gym. I’ll touch on a couple of key habits that could make or break your health goals.

Sleep might not seem directly tied to your waistline, but it’s a powerful player in fat loss. Skimping on sleep can mess with your metabolism and hunger hormones, leading to increased appetite and potential weight gain. Aiming for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night can help you burn fat more efficiently.

If you’re constantly stressed, your body responds by releasing cortisol, a hormone that, in high levels, can increase fat storage around your midsection. Finding ways to reduce stress, such as through mindfulness, yoga, or simple breathing exercises, can indirectly help whittle your waist.

You’ve likely heard that drinking water helps with weight loss, but it’s not a magic solution. However, staying hydrated aids in proper digestion and can help prevent overeating. Replacing sugary drinks with water is a SMART MOVE for reducing calorie intake.


Consider your daily activity outside of structured exercise. Taking opportunities to walk more, using stairs instead of elevators, and just moving your body throughout the day are excellent ways to bump up your calorie burn without much effort.


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Best Ways To Get Rid Of Man Boobs.

How to lose your man boobs.

This is a quick overview that will give you the facts quickly so you can take action, or not. Up to you.

Medically speaking it is not called Man boobs it is called gynecomastia.

Gynecomastia, commonly called ‘man boobs,’ is a condition in which male breast tissue overdevelops. It is a common condition that presents differently, with some people developing a small mass of tissue around the nipples while others develop larger breasts similar to women.

What is Gynecomastia?

How Does Gynecomastia Develop?

Both men and women have breast tissue. However, due to the differences in hormone levels between the two sexes, male breast tissue does not grow during puberty as it does in women unless there is a hormonal imbalance.

Hormonal Imbalance

Testosterone is the dominant hormone in men, while estrogen is the dominant female hormone. Men produce low levels of estrogen as testosterone suppresses this hormone. Thus, gynecomastia can develop if men produce too little testosterone or too much estrogen. Such hormonal imbalances can occur for many reasons:


Not only does obesity cause stabilized fat, but it can also cause gynecomastia. Fat cells produce estrogen, which means the more body fat you have, the higher your estrogen levels are. As a result, estrogen causes breast tissue to develop.


Hormone levels are known to fluctuate as we reach puberty. As a result, it’s common for teenage boys to develop gynecomastia as their bodies change. In this case, the gynecomastia will likely resolve itself once you reach your 20s and hormone levels stabilize.

Old Age

Gynecomastia is more prevalent in older men due to the hormonal imbalances accompanying the natural aging process. As men reach their 50s and 60s, their bodies begin to produce less testosterone. Men typically accumulate more body fat with age, resulting from more estrogen.

How Can I Fix it?

Man boobs before and after surgery

Consult a healthcare professional.

If you’re concerned about your chest appearance, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional, such as a primary care physician or an endocrinologist. They can help determine the cause of your condition and provide appropriate guidance based on your specific situation.

Understand the underlying cause.

Various factors can contribute to gynecomastia, including hormonal imbalances, obesity, certain medications, or underlying health conditions. Identifying the cause can assist in determining the most appropriate course of action.

Focus on a healthy diet.

Maintaining a balanced, nutritious diet is crucial for overall weight management. Aim to consume a calorie-controlled diet focusing on whole foods, lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Reduce your intake of processed foods, sugary beverages, and foods high in saturated fats.

Exercise regularly.

Include both cardiovascular exercises and strength training in your fitness routine. Cardio exercises like running, cycling, or swimming can assist in burning overall body fat. Strength training, particularly exercises targeting the chest muscles like chest presses, push-ups, or using dumbbells, can help tone and strengthen the chest.

Targeted chest exercises.

Incorporating exercises that specifically target the chest muscles can help build muscle and improve the appearance of the chest.

Consult a certified fitness professional to learn the proper form and technique for exercises like chest presses, chest flies, or cable crossovers.

Maintain a healthy weight.

If excess body weight or obesity is a contributing factor, strive to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. This can help reduce overall body fat, including fat in the chest area.

Consider surgery.

In some cases, surgical intervention may be required to remove excess breast tissue. If non-surgical methods do not yield satisfactory results, discuss the possibility of surgery with a qualified plastic surgeon. They will assess your specific situation and guide you through the available options.

Remember, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional to accurately diagnose the underlying cause of your condition and guide you on the most appropriate course of action. They can provide personalized advice and ensure your approach aligns with your individual needs and health considerations.


This isn’t just about losing chest weight, it’s also about gaining a healthier and happier you.


If you like this, look at my post “Fitness Hacks For Lazy People”.


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How To Count Calories And Lose Weight

Calories and Losing Weight.

Lets start by tackling a concept that’s key to weight loss:


Now, what’s a calorie? Simply put, it’s a unit of energy that our bodies use to function. But when it comes to weight, calories become much more than a unit of measurement; they’re the particles in the grand equation of weight management.

This isn’t just about how many calories you eat; it’s also about how many you burn. The weight loss formula often boils down to ‘calories in versus calories out’. To lose weight, you must consume fewer calories than your body expends. But how do you know how many calories you need? Well, that hinges on various factors such as age, sex, weight, height, and physical activity level.

You’re going to find out about different methods to estimate your daily calorie needs for weight loss in this section. It’s about hitting that sweet spot where you reduce enough calories to shed pounds, without going so low that your body thinks it’s in a famine.

Why focus on a balanced diet in all this? Because it’s not just the quantity of calories that matters, but the quality. Choose something that resonates with you and your lifestyle to make calorie counting sustainable and effective. Ensuring you have a balanced intake of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats can help you feel full, nourished, and energetic, despite a calorie deficit.

I’ll lead you straight into how to master calorie counting with practical tips, after covering all the basics that set the stage for a successful weight loss journey.

The Art of Counting Calories: Practical Tips for Success

Let’s look at some practical tips that are going to help you count calories effectively. Counting calories isn’t just about keeping track of numbers; it’s about understanding what’s behind those numbers and making smart food choices.

to start with let’s talk about the tools of the trade. You’re going to find out that smartphone apps and online tools can be lifesavers. Many of these apps have extensive databases with nutritional information for a vast array of foods, including dishes from popular restaurants.

Measuring food portions can be tricky, but I’m here to help you with that. You can use tools like measuring cups, food scales, or even visual comparisons to common objects to get a sense of portion sizes. For instance, a serving of meat should be about the size of a deck of cards.

Next up, reading nutrition labels is crucial. They give you a complete breakdown of the calorie content along with fats, carbohydrates, proteins, and other nutrients. Pay attention to serving sizes because what looks like a single serving might be two or three servings in disguise.

Lastly, when you’re eating out, don’t stress too much. Many restaurants now provide calorie counts on their menus. If they don’t, you can always estimate and adjust your approach down the road. Choose something that resonates with you: a dish with lean proteins, vegetables, and whole grains is usually a good bet.

Integrating Calorie Counting Into a Healthy Lifestyle

So you’ve gotten the hang of counting calories, but that’s just part of the weight loss journey. It’s time to talk about how to make this habit sustainable and holistic. You’re going to find out about maintaining nutritional balance, making exercise a friend, and keeping your mind happy while your body sheds pounds.

Counting calories doesn’t mean you should ignore the quality of food you eat. Choose something that resonates with you when it comes to nutrition. Balancing your macronutrients – that’s proteins, carbs, and fats – is crucial. Your body needs all three to function optimally, even when you’re aiming to lose weight.

Combining your diet with regular physical activity can boost weight loss and improve overall health. This doesn’t necessarily mean hours at the gym; even a daily walk or some at-home exercises can make a big difference. It’s about finding what works for you and staying consistent.

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Reducing Calorie Intake.

Reducing calorie intake can sometimes lead to feelings of not eating enough. To avoid this, it’s important to try to enjoy your meals. Focus on the flavors, and remember, occasional treats are fine – they won’t derail your progress. A balanced approach to food keeps morale high and sustains your weight loss efforts.

There’s another aspect that’s often overlooked – the psychological side of losing weight. Counting calories can become an obsession, and that’s not healthy. Instead, use calorie counting as a tool for awareness and making informed food choices. Remember, this is a journey, not just a numbers game.

I know a lot of people worry about hitting a weight loss plateau. It’s not uncommon, and it’s a sign that you’ve made significant progress. Your body’s needs change as you drop pounds, so adjusting your calorie intake or activity levels might be necessary to keep losing weight.

But don’t worry too much about it right now – we’ll dive deeper into overcoming such challenges in the next section.

Overcoming Common Challenges in Calorie Counting

Counting calories isn’t always smooth sailing; sometimes, you’ll hit a weight loss plateau or find social events testing your resolve. But don’t worry too much about these roadblocks—they’re a normal part of the journey. Learning to navigate these challenges is key to maintaining your weight loss momentum.

If you find your weight loss stalling, it might be time to reassess your daily calorie intake. As you lose weight, your body requires fewer calories to function, so what worked initially might need adjustment. Remember, your first attempt doesn’t need to be your last—you can always tweak your approach.

Social gatherings and dining out can pose a challenge when you’re keeping a close watch on calories. But choose something that resonates with you—opt for healthier options or plan for a higher-calorie meal by adjusting your intake for the day. Open communication with friends and family can also garner support for your goals.

Lastly, it’s important to separate fact from fiction. There are many myths surrounding calorie counting and weight loss. Whether it’s the idea that certain foods are ‘negative calorie’ or misconceptions about the timing of meals affecting weight, a fact-checked approach will keep you on the right track.

Final Thoughts

Finding your rhythm with calorie counting takes time and adaptation. Equip yourself with knowledge, remain patient, and stay flexible.

With these strategies in hand, you’re poised to meet your weight loss goals and enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes with it. Remember, this isn’t just about losing weight, it’s also about gaining a healthier and happier you.

If you like this, look at my post “Fitness Hacks For Lazy People”.


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Exercise For Busy Professionals.

It is Not Easy

I’m going to kick things off with a reality check: maintaining an active lifestyle can be tough, especially when you’re juggling a demanding career. But here’s the thing, it’s not just about carving out time to get fit – it’s also about your long-term health and well-being.

You’re going to find out about the critical importance of squeezing in that workout, not just for maintaining your waistline, but also for enhancing your cognitive function, managing stress, and boosting your energy levels. And trust me, these aren’t just fluffy benefits; they’re backed by solid research.

In my opinion, the counterargument that there’s just not enough time in the day for exercise falls flat when you consider the efficiency of short, high-intensity workouts. There’s a lot of opportunity in these brief but powerful sessions to make significant gains in your fitness without compromising your professional responsibilities.

This includes examples of CEOs and leaders who have demanding schedules but still manage to prioritize their health. If they can do it, so can you. I’m here to help you with actionable advice and practical tips to make exercise a seamless part of your life.

You might worry about not having an hour to spare at the gym, but don’t. I’m going to show you that it’s the quality, not necessarily the quantity, of exercise that counts. This perspective is perfect for busy professionals like you. As we flow into the next section, I’ll be sharing some smart strategies to integrate exercise into your daily grind, no matter how packed your schedule might seem.

Smart Strategies for Integrating Exercise into Your Daily Routine

I’m going to let you in on some tactics that can seamlessly bring exercise into your bustling professional life. Prioritizing your day is the first step, pinpointing those small windows that can become opportunities for physical activity. Even ten minutes is enough for a quick high-intensity workout or a brisk walk.

That’s going to include efficient workouts—think circuit training, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), or Tabata. These exercises don’t mess around; they’re designed to pack a punch in a short amount of time.

You’re going to find out about embracing technology as well. Today’s market is flush with apps and wearable devices that help you track your fitness, remind you to move, and even guide you through quick workouts.

Don’t worry too much about not having a block of time to hit the gym; you can always weave movement into your work life. Simple desk exercises, opting for a standing desk, or taking walking meetings are smart ways to keep active.

Choose something that resonates with you when it comes to morning workouts. If you can get up a bit earlier to get your body moving, it’s going to set a positive tone for the rest of your day—plus, it’s out of the way, so no matter what your job throws at you, your workout is done.

Creating a Sustainable and Flexible Exercise Plan

So now we’ve talked about making exercise fit into your busy schedule, let’s take it one step further: ensuring your plan is both sustainable and adaptable. A key to long-term success is setting achievable goals that align with your professional lifestyle. Don’t aim for a marathon right away if a 10-minute daily routine is what you can commit to consistently.

Life as a professional is anything but predictable. Your exercise routines should be able to bend without breaking when unexpected deadlines or travel pop up. A versatile workout plan that can shift from morning to evening, or from gym-centered to bodyweight exercises at home, keeps you on track without added stress.

Team up with a colleague, or better yet, hire a professional coach for personalized guidance and accountability. Not only does this help keep you motivated, but it also ensures you’re exercising correctly and efficiently, maximizing the value of the time you invest.

Lastly, track your progress. Small victories, like completing a 5K or just feeling more energetic, are worth celebrating! These milestones reinforce the positive impact exercise has on your professional and personal life. And remember, it’s okay to adjust your game plan as your work life evolves – staying flexible is the secret to making exercise a lifelong habit.

Final Thoughts.

One of the biggest things in getting fit is motivation. But once you have got through that first month it all becomes a lot easier.

So hang in there for a month and see how you feel. I promise you it will be worth it.


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Lazy Person’s Guide To Setting Realistic Fitness Goals

Setting Realistic Goals.

Ever feel like fitness is a party you’re not super eager to attend? You’re not alone. The truth is, getting fired up about a workout can be a challenge, especially if you’re not the type who gets a thrill from just the thought of exercise. But here’s the kicker: You don’t need to be a gym junkie or a marathon runner to reap the benefits of moving more.

Realistic goal setting is your secret weapon. It’s the foundation that can convert the ‘ugh’ in your internal conversation about fitness into a more encouraging ‘okay, maybe I can do this.’ Forget the outdated ‘no pain, no gain’ philosophy. We’re here to build a fitness game plan that suits your style and your life.

I really hope that you’ll see setting fitness goals isn’t about pushing yourself to the extreme; it’s about carving a path that’s right for you. So, let’s paint a picture of success that’s achievable, one that won’t leave you feeling overwhelmed before you’ve even started.

Finding Your ‘Why’: The Keystone of Realistic Goal Setting

Let’s start with the cornerstone of any good fitness plan: finding your ‘why’. I’m going to explain why knowing your personal motivation isn’t just useful, it’s crucial for long-term fitness success. Without a clear understanding of your reasons for wanting to get fit, staying the course can become an uphill battle.

Setting SMART goals is a strategy I like to leverage when creating a fitness plan. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. These criteria transform vague ambitions into a concrete plan of action. So, if you want to set goals that stick, they’ve got to be SMART.

Now, choose something that resonates with you to make your workouts enjoyable. You’re going to find out about tapping into your interests to create a fitness routine you’ll actually look forward to. Maybe it’s dancing to your favorite music, hiking through nature, or practicing yoga – whatever keeps you coming back for more.

In my opinion, identifying activities you genuinely enjoy is like finding fitness gold. When workouts don’t feel like work, you’re much more likely to stick with them and see real progress. Remember, this isn’t just about forcing yourself into arbitrary exercise regimes; it’s also about creating a sustainable, enjoyable lifestyle change.

Slow and Steady: Building Habits over Performance

When it comes to fitness, it’s not about racing to the finish line; it’s about the pace you can maintain for the long haul. So, step number one for my fellow lazy-aspiring fitness buffs is to start with small, manageable workout routines. Aim for consistency rather than intensity and watch how that gradually leads to improvements.

Next up, you’re going to find out about weaving fitness into your daily life. You don’t need to sweat for hours on end; instead, find ways to get more active naturally. Take the stairs, park a little further from the office, or do some light stretching while watching TV. These small changes add up and, more importantly, they don’t feel like a dreaded chore.

Now, tracking progress is a big deal, even if you’re taking it slow. It’s not just about the numbers on a scale; it’s also about how you feel. Celebrate when you choose the stairs over the elevator, or when you opt for a healthier lunch. These small victories become the fuel that keeps your fitness flame burning.

Of course, there will be days when motivation ditches you. Don’t fret too much about it. Understand that setbacks are a part of the journey, and it’s okay to have off days. The key is to bounce back, even if it’s with a 5-minute dance break in your living room. Remember, you’re building a lifestyle, not just working towards a temporary goal.

How to Build Good Habits Easily.

Building good habits is essential for creating the life we desire. Here are some practical tips to help you establish positive routines:

  1. Be Proactive: Take initiative to improve your situation. Don’t wait for things to happen; act intentionally.
  2. Begin with the End in Mind: Think before acting. Know your long-term goals and work towards them1.
  3. Prioritize: Focus on what truly matters. Avoid getting caught up in unimportant tasks1.
  4. Think Win-Win: Seek mutually beneficial solutions. Look for outcomes that benefit everyone involved1.
  5. Empathize: Understand others before seeking to be understood. Create a culture of caring1.
  6. Synergize: Combine strengths with others to achieve more collectively1.
  7. Sharpen the Saw: Prioritize self-renewal and rest for optimal functioning and success1.

Additionally, consider these insights from the book “Atomic Habits” and BJ Fogg’s “Tiny Habits”:

  • Make It Obvious: Create cues in your environment to remind you of your new habit.
  • Make It Attractive: Make the habit enjoyable or fun.
  • Make It Easy: Simplify the habit to increase consistency.
  • Make It Satisfying: Reward yourself for completing the habit.
  • Never Miss Twice: Stay on track by not skipping a habit two times in a row.
  • Stick to a Sustainable Pace: Avoid burnout by maintaining a manageable pace.
  • Attach New Habits to Existing Ones: Link a new habit to an established routine1.

Remember, small improvements each day lead to significant changes over time. So, start building those positive habits—one step at a time! 🌟

Nutrition and Rest: The Unsung Heroes of Fitness

That’s right, embracing fitness isn’t just about sweating it out. Nutrition and rest play pivotal roles in the overall success of your fitness journey. It’s not all about the calories you burn; it’s also about the ones you consume and how you let your body recover.

I’m here to help you realize that proper nutrition doesn’t have to be synonymous with boring or restrictive. It’s about choosing foods that fuel your body and enhance your workouts. Whether you’re a fan of meal prepping or just looking to make healthier choices one meal at a time, there’s a flexible approach meant for you.

Don’t worry too much about overhauling your entire diet overnight. Choose something that resonates with you – maybe it’s adding more veggies to your plate or drinking an extra glass of water each day. Small changes add up!

Please Sleep.

Now, let’s talk about sleep – the unsung hero of recovery. Adequate rest is a cornerstone of good health and ensures you have the energy for consistent workouts. If you’ve been skimping on sleep, it’s time to prioritize it. You’re going to find out that a solid night’s rest can make a profound difference in your fitness results and overall well-being.

And remember, balancing your fitness routine with ample downtime is not laziness; it’s smart training. Your body needs time to repair and become stronger, so respect that. On your rest days, embrace activities that rejuvenate not just your body, but your mind too. It might be a walk in the park, a gentle yoga session, or simply enjoying your favorite hobby.

Just don’t focus too much on perfection. Whether you’re adjusting your diet or tweaking your sleep habits, be patient with yourself. Your first attempt doesn’t need to be your last, and you can always adjust your approach down the road.

Read more here about ” ” Recipes for Lazy Cooks”

Final Thoughts

There you have it: a guide that combines sensible fitness goals with the less heralded but equally crucial aspects of nutrition and rest. Start small, build sustainable habits, and most importantly, listen to your body. Pretty wild, right?

Now go ahead, set those realistic goals, and find your balance. I really hope that this guide sparks a change for you, and soon enough, you’ll be living a fitter, healthier life with ease.


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